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济南集装箱房定制需要掌握几点要素?来源:   时间:2021-07-14
1. Material requirements
不同材质的集装箱房会带来不同的舒 适度,定制箱房可以根据客户实际需求,也有部分客人将集装箱房当作移动房车使用。从大量的定制统计信息来看,绝大多数集装箱房都采用棉彩钢板,顶棚四周以及地面的龙骨位置可以考虑采用镀锌的四边方钢管。
Different materials of the container room will bring different comfort, customized container room can be based on the actual needs of customers, some customers will use the container room as a mobile RV. From a large number of customized statistical information, the vast majority of container houses are made of cotton colored steel plate, and galvanized quadrilateral steel pipe can be considered for the keel position around the ceiling and on the ground.
2. Environmental requirements
Modern society is an era of environmental protection and effectiveness, and this requirement has been put into practice in social practice. In terms of R & D and production, it is also gradually inclined to produce environmentally friendly products. The environmental protection of the container house is multifaceted, on the one hand, it is the use of its own materials, on the other hand, it is the environmental impact on the building. The former does not need to be said, while the latter means that it will not cause any pollution to the environment when it is used, and it will not produce pollution or harmful substances during the construction process. Traditional houses are not so environmentally friendly.
3. Node process requirements
The door of the container room needs to bear greater pressure, and needs to use high strength materials to ensure that the door does not deform; We should pay attention to the location of the assembly and disassembly blocks in the splicing position of the floor, and pay attention to the identification in the production process; Inside and outside the room can be covered with color steel plate decoration. In addition, the toilet, kitchen, toilet and other locations need to retain the location of exhaust fan and side drainage to improve the suitability of living.
4. Electrical layout requirements
电气布置对于集装箱房非常重要,建议与技术经验较为丰富的厂家进行定制,以便更好地完成相关电气要求的布置。房间内布置插座需要合理,数量要适宜,并且在安装插座时要注意与墙面保持平齐。另外,对于集装箱房的电线布置要注意走向的安 全并且设置防水措施更为妥当。
Electrical layout is very important for the container room. It is suggested to customize it with manufacturers with rich technical experience, so as to better complete the layout of relevant electrical requirements. The layout of sockets in the room needs to be reasonable, the number should be appropriate, and attention should be paid to keep flush with the wall when installing sockets. In addition, it is more appropriate to pay attention to the safety of the direction and set up waterproof measures for the wire layout of the container room.
5. Saving requirements
The container room can not only give full play to its advantages of large capacity, but also increase the number of single or double beds according to the demand, greatly reducing the cost of living. Following the principle of recycling, it shows its economic characteristics. At the same time, it has complete data analysis, how to control the budget is reasonable, how to allocate the budget is rational and scientific.
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